I love garage sale hunting in my neighborhood. I live in a neighborhood called Shenandoah in Baton Rouge which I’ve heard is one of the biggest in the world. Pretty much guaranteed several sales on a weekly basis. Today I ran across one of my favorite types which is a bunch of relatives selling an older persons junk for them which has been hanging around for a while. All kinds of tools, work out equipment, furniture and then I walked in to this beautiful poster from Michael Jackson still in the original plastic. It says portal publications and has 1996 written on it. I’ve searched around online and haven’t found even another picture like it. Very cool pictures of beers categorizations and style descriptions of the styles as Jackson saw them. I’m in love with it and can’t wait to get it framed up and on a wall. Great stuff!
Bayou Beer
All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.
Tag Archives: baton rouge
Finally Starting a Beer Website and Blog
Well I suppose it’s overdue at this point. Currently I write a bit about beer brewing on my personal website JerryOdom.com and find it hard to resist urges to write more personal beer entries on the blog for my beer brewing software app Pocket Brewer. I also tend to post a lot of information concerning beer on my Best of Baton Rouge website.
So here it is; post 1 on the new BayouBeer.com website. I intend to use this website as a journal for beer brewing recipes I brew and information concerning beer brewing and drinking in Louisiana and most specifically the Baton Rouge area where I live. The value of all this information I work so hard on learning is so much more if I put it in a post for my fellow Louisiana beer brewers and beer lovers to share. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments concerning the site or beer in general.