Bayou Beer

All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.

Harley of Barley 2025

February 12th, 2025

So time does fly. I did brew in 2024. I brewed a bock, a fest beer, and a Hefeweizen in the Fall. I’ve always held to brewing at least in the Fall before Halloween to have beers for the season. For whatever reason, I just didn’t log them. Which is a shame because they came out great. They’re still in my Beersmith profile and I’m about to rebrew the fest beer so I’ll post it surely.

So I feel like I’ll brew more now. Kids are older, less around my neck on weekends. I decided it was time to brew a beer now due to the fact that I can’t find a single barleywine anywhere in the area. I even went to a Total Wine and requested they order Sierra Nevada Bigfoot. Still haven’t heard back. So you know what, I used to brew award winning barleywines so I can do it again. I looked up the old recipes on this blog and took the one with Rye that really did very well.

Funny how experience and equipment changes things. It was much easier to brew this time around. I was smart enough to use rice hulls. Smart enough to hit the temperatures right. I know now more about how to time hops and temperature, the hydra chiller makes it easier to be on point with bittering. It just went really smooth. The fermentation chamber and starter being made in time. It went beautifully and the brew is fermenting perfectly at this moment. Given my current knowledge on carbonation and clarification via gelatin, it should present perfectly. I very much look forward to how this beer turns out.


It wouldn’t be a beer of mine without issues. And there were some. Ingredients are different now days. So finding the same crystals weren’t quite the same. So the wort color seems a little different than I recall, less amber. Of course I’m using different base 2-row it seems. I’m not buying at the same stores anymore. So I’m really curious if this will come out like I remember. But with a marvelous hop schedule like this and a rich, on gravity beer at about 1.1….I’m sure it’ll taste the same after beer #2.

Recipe Details

Batch Size Boil Time IBU SRM Est. OG Est. FG ABV
6 gal 60 min 90.5 IBUs 14.4 SRM 1.107 1.033 10.0 %

Style Details

Name Cat. OG Range FG Range IBU SRM Carb ABV
American Barleywine 22 C 1.08 - 1.12 1.016 - 1.03 50 - 100 10 - 19 1.8 - 2.7 8 - 12 %


Name Amount %
Pale Malt - 2 Row (Cargill) 15 lbs 55.56
Munich I (Weyermann) 5 lbs 18.52
Rye Raw Malt (Briess) 3 lbs 11.11
Carapils (Briess) 1 lbs 3.7
Caramel Malt - 60L (Briess) 8 oz 1.85
Caramel Malt - 80L (Briess) 4 oz 0.93
Special B Malt 4 oz 0.93
Cane (Beet) Sugar 2 lbs 7.41


Name Amount Time Use Form Alpha %
Magnum 4 oz 40 min Boil Pellet 12
Amarillo 1 oz 0 min Boil Pellet 9.2
Citra 1 oz 0 min Boil Pellet 12
Simcoe 1 oz 0 min Boil Pellet 13


Name Lab Attenuation Temperature
American Ale (1056) Wyeast Labs 75% 60°F - 72°F


Step Temperature Time
Mash In 152°F 60 min

Harley of Barley 2016 Edition

April 13th, 2016

Time to brew the American barleywine again. This year it was a little different in that I modified the recipe to brew 10 gallons at once. I also brewed it earlier in the year so it’ll be perfect come October.

Additionally there were some recipe tweaks this year.

  1. I removed the little bit of chocolate malt I used.
  2. The gravity has also been reduced in order to reduce some of the alcohol based on multiple competition feedback.
  3. The hops have been increased based on multiple competition feedback.
  4. Because we’re using DME which wouldn’t finish as dry as my 142F mashed all grain work, I’m using a pound of table sugar to dry this out some.

Update: 4/23/2016

Fermentation is complete at 1.017 so quite dry. The beer tastes like you’d think a young barleywine should taste. It’s pretty abrasive and the alcohol is more pronounced that I wanted. Probably going to leave the table sugar out next time but this time next year this beer should be great.

Update 4/30/2016

This beer is already quite clear and you can certainly see it’s potential to be a great beer. Extremely hoppy going in to the keg. Will carbonate and bottle in about a week. I’m pretty excited given that I just tried one of the doppelbocks I bottled after correcting my carbonation issues. I think this will be the best version of the barleywine yet. Carbonation has always been an issue and I think I finally have it down.

Recipe Details

Batch Size Boil Time IBU SRM Est. OG Est. FG ABV
10 gal 120 min 83.7 IBUs 18.7 SRM 1.100 1.021 10.5 %

Style Details

Name Cat. OG Range FG Range IBU SRM Carb ABV
American Barleywine 19 C 1.08 - 1.12 1.016 - 1.03 50 - 120 10 - 19 1.8 - 2.5 8 - 12 %


Name Amount %
Pale Malt (2 Row) US 15 lbs 33.33
Munich Malt 12 lbs 26.67
Rye Malt 6 lbs 13.33
Cara-Pils/Dextrine 2 lbs 4.44
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L 1 lbs 2.22
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 80L 8 oz 1.11
Special B Malt 8 oz 1.11
Light Dry Extract 7 lbs 15.56
Sugar, Table (Sucrose) 1 lbs 2.22


Name Amount Time Use Form Alpha %
Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus (CTZ) 2.25 oz 90 min Boil Pellet 18
Challenger 2 oz 90 min Boil Pellet 7.1
Bramling Cross 1 oz 90 min Boil Pellet 6
Amarillo Gold 4 oz 0 min Aroma Pellet 8.5
Citra 4 oz 0 min Aroma Pellet 12
Galaxy 4 oz 0 min Aroma Pellet 14
Simcoe 4 oz 0 min Aroma Pellet 13


Name Amount Time Use Type
Lactic Acid 15.00 ml 60 min Mash Water Agent
Calcium Chloride 10.00 g 60 min Mash Water Agent
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) 5.00 g 60 min Mash Water Agent


Name Lab Attenuation Temperature
Safale American (US-05) DCL/Fermentis 77% 59°F - 75°F


Step Temperature Time
Mash In 143°F 90 min


Pitching on Safale 05 yeast cakes from previous American Pale Ale batches. One had an American porter in it also. Unlike previous years I am not adding the cane sugar. Recurring judge note was that the alcohol could be a little more restrained.

American Barleywine 2015 Harley of Barley Edition

May 30th, 2015

Although this was loosely based on the barleywine that did so well a couple of years ago it’s pretty different. Given my experiences with rye lately in English barleywine and American black IPA I felt like it’d be a good dose to this beer. Centennial was left out and substituted with Amarillo due to running out of Centennial.(time to order a few more pounds) Given the reception the beer got based on how hoppy it was before I decided to up the ante a little more with some additional flame out hops. Finally I substituted a healthy dose of Munich in place for crystal malts. I’ve found I’m getting far better reception for beers when crystal is balanced with Munich than I got before using straight pale malt with crystal. I think it just adds complexity to the malt bill overall.

So for the first month or so this thing will basically be an American Triple/Quad IPA if you will. I see the American Strong Ale listed in the 2014 BJCP guidelines and given how dry I’m shooting for with this thing I’d bet it could pass for one if it finishes out appropriately.

Brew day was a stormy May 30th and it all went fairly well. Pump lagged a few times but the bigger grain bills seem to stabilize better on mash temperature. I had to modify the recipe some because I had pretty poor efficiency hence the two pounds of DME. Broke my refractometer near the end of the boil but it’d already gotten over 1.1 so I’m pretty certain it’s around the 1.11 we were shooting for. As always with this sort of beer the mash, boil and finished wort was heavenly. Cooled it down to 74ish then put it in the mash tank over night to chill down to 63F before transferring the wort on to the yeast cake from my oat/wheat pale ale I brewed a week or two ago. Oxygen added and it was fermenting in no time. 3 days later it’s still going but slowing down. If it’s anything like the English barleywine it should be terminal gravity by day 5-6.

Update 6/25/2015

I think this beer turned out quite fine. I really enjoy drinking it. I do wish I’d used some aromatic malt in this sucker since it has to warm before you get any of the fine maltiness in the nose. Small detail in the grand scheme of what can typically go wrong with a barleywine. I’m happy!

Update 10/17/2015

This beer really came together given a few more months. The maltiness came out a little more and the hop character settled in to a fine background note. It was just in time to finish 2nd at the Dixie Cup for 2015.

Recipe Details

Batch Size Boil Time IBU SRM Est. OG Est. FG ABV
6 gal 90 min 87.8 IBUs 17.5 SRM 1.122 SG 1.022 SG 13.5 %

Style Details

Name Cat. OG Range FG Range IBU SRM Carb ABV
American Barleywine 19 C 1.08 - 1.12 1.016 - 1.03 50 - 120 10 - 19 1.8 - 2.5 8 - 12 %


Name Amount %
Pale Malt (2 Row) US 15 lbs 49.79
Munich Malt 6 lbs 19.92
Rye Malt 3 lbs 9.96
Cara-Pils/Dextrine 1 lbs 3.32
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L 0.5 lbs 1.66
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 80L 0.25 lbs 0.83
Special B Malt 0.25 lbs 0.83
Pale Chocolate Malt 0.125 lbs 0.41
Light Dry Extract 2 lbs 6.64
Cane (Beet) Sugar 2 lbs 6.64


Name Amount Time Use Form Alpha %
Magnum 4.5 oz 40 min Boil Pellet 12.5
Amarillo Gold 2 oz 0 min Boil Pellet 8.5
Citra 2 oz 0 min Boil Pellet 12
Simcoe 2 oz 0 min Boil Pellet 13


Name Amount Time Use Type
Lactic Acid 15.00 ml 60 min Mash Water Agent
Calcium Chloride 10.00 g 60 min Mash Water Agent
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) 5.00 g 60 min Mash Water Agent


Name Lab Attenuation Temperature
Safale American (US-05) DCL/Fermentis 77% 59°F - 75°F


Was pitched on a yeast cake from an American ale. Also tossed a dry packet I had in there for good measure. Refractometer was dropped and broke so the actual OG was somewhere around 1.10+ last reading before that happened.

Northwest Pale Malt American Barleywine Hopasaurus

June 14th, 2013

Well I purchased a giant sack of American 2 row on the club group buy, I have a lot of American hops in 4 ounce bags and I’m down to my lasst 7 bottles of barleywine in 6 months.   So lets brew some barleywine!   I’m going to do 10 gallons but space them out a couple of weeks.   I just don’t have the tools to do 10 gallons of barleywine in one day so I’m planning for two brew days.    I’m taking some of the feedback about the hopping in my Harley of Barley beer and applying it hoping to come up with a real gem for the end of 2013.

Update: 7/13/2013  – This beer has been fermenting for about a week.   I’m really happy with the Northern Brewer hops in this guy as they were a nice smelling very ruddy, woody and just pleasing hop to smell.    I have a feeling this guy will be very different than anything else I’ve brewed.  I did forget to add the additional DME until right at the end when I was throwing in my aroma hops so I had to cook the whole thing about another 5 minutes to mix that in.  So some aromatics were likely lost but if it comes out fantastic I’ll repeat that mistake!  Who knows but at 80 IBU this should be the most bitter barleywine ever.   Really will need time to age and mellow I would think.

Update 8/3/2013 – The fermentation appeared to go well but the fermentation apparently dropped out around 40% apparent attenuation. I stopped by Cuban Liquor and picked up a packet of Safale us-05, made a one liter starter and got it chugging real good then pitched it active. After about 24 hours a nice Krausen has formed up and with any luck it should finish. The beer tastes very nice albeit too sweet since it’s only half finished.

Recipe Details

Batch Size Boil Time IBU SRM Est. OG Est. FG ABV
6 gal 180 min 23 1.095 1.016 10

Style Details

Name Cat. OG Range FG Range IBU SRM Carb ABV
0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 %


Name Amount %
Pale Malt (2 Row) US 20 lbs 70.18
Munich Malt 3 lbs 10.53
Extra Light Dry Extract 2 lbs 7.02
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L 1 lbs 3.51
Cane (Beet) Sugar 1 lbs 3.51
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 20L 0.75 lbs 2.63
Caramel/Crystal Malt -120L 0.25 lbs 0.88
Pale Chocolate Malt 0.25 lbs 0.88
Special B Malt 0.25 lbs 0.88


Name Amount Time Use Form Alpha %
Northern Brewer 1.5 oz 60 min Boil Pellet 8.5
Columbus (Tomahawk) 1.5 oz 60 min Boil Pellet 14
Simcoe 1.5 oz 5 min Aroma Pellet 13
Cascade 1.5 oz 5 min Aroma Pellet 5.5
Northern Brewer 1.5 oz 5 min Boil Pellet 8.5


Name Amount Time Use Type
Lactic Acid 60 min Mash Water Agent
Calcium Chloride 60 min Mash Water Agent
Whirlfloc Tablet 15 min Boil Fining
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) 60 min Mash Water Agent
Epsom Salt (MgSO4) 60 min Mash Water Agent


Name Lab Attenuation Temperature
California Ale V (WLP051) White Labs 73% 66°F - 70°F


This is a rework of my Harley of Barley recipe trying out Great Northwestern Pale Malt. I'm also using the hops I have on hand which are American and fairly new to me. I'm going for a radically different hopping schedule this time. Cane sugar to be added to primary after 3 days of fermentation.


American Barleywine – Harley of Barley

November 24th, 2012

How it Went:

I’ve had smoother brewing days.  Issues trying to use a drill will my mill, issues with efficiency that led to an extended boil and only a 1.091 gravity when 1.10 was intended.   A little research revealed that the big gravity beers involving a lot of grain will require a lower predicted brewhouse efficiency.(5-10 points lower)  In reflection I also think sparge water was added to quickly leading to dilution occuring too quickly.   I’m thinking of switching to batch sparging while I don’t have an automated mechanism for fly sparging.  HOWEVER; the beer finished with plenty big gravity and I adjusted the bittering addition to 2.5 ounces instead of 3.   I had to extend the boil significantly which led to more melanoidin formation I am sure.   I also waited until the last 30 minutes and added a pound of DME to get it as high as it got.   I knew I would need it so I saved it for later to avoid any more “kettle caramelization” as people like to call it.   Cooled it down and pitched it; 3 hours later you can see fermentation and 12 hours later it’s blowing and going with blow off tube.   I think it’ll be a fine beer for next Christmas time.

Hops were fun with this because I got to smell raw Centennial, Amarillo, Simcoe and Magnum all together in different plates.   Centennial and Magnum are much more reserved in flavor compared to Amarillo and Simcoe.   Amarillo and Simcoe seem similar in smell with Simcoe seeming to be stronger in aromatics.

After about 5 days of fermentation it’s still going pretty well.  It was quite vigorous at first and the whole storage room I use for brewing was full of gas.    A little slower at this point.   Took a gravity reading and roused the fermenter a bit.   I’m not going to lie this WLP051 has been a little scary from the start but I wanted that character so I took the gamble.     Current gravity is 1.036 and it’s still bubbling pretty good.  60% attenuation and the yeast is very much still in suspension.   I’m optimistic that in two weeks this thing will ferment out to desired gravity of 1.016ish.   Interesting that even at 1.036 this beer is just hopped stupid high.  So aromatic and flavored with hops.   Definitely a beer that won’t be ready until Fall of 2013.

Update 12/7/2012:

After 12 days it’s at 75% apparent attenuation which is 1.022 gravity.   It tastes quite nice at this point and as a young barley wine should.   Next weekend if it’s done dropping we’ll go ahead and move it in to a keg for it’s one year sleep.

Update 1/25/2013

I just realized I never got back to update this record. The beer indeed did finish out around 1.016ish as desired. I did figure out that the reason I missed gravity was I forgot my cane sugar addition. I file that under good luck because the beer just tastes fantastic. It’s a big success and I’m very happy with it. Will brew again and include the mistakes.

Original Plan:

So I’m doing the Brasseurs monthly brew day hosting.   Essentially a member offers to allow others to come watch them brew and the interaction leads to conversation about procedures, learning and basically everyone gets better.    I decided to do Barleywine.   Here’s the recipe that’s being brewed 11/25/2012

Recipe Details

Batch Size Boil Time IBU SRM Est. OG Est. FG ABV
6 gal 90 min

Style Details

Name Cat. OG Range FG Range IBU SRM Carb ABV
American Barleywine 19 C 1.08 - 1.12 1.016 - 1.03 50 - 120 10 - 19 0 - 0 8 - 12 %


Name Amount %
Pale Malt (2 Row) US 23 lbs 90.2
Caramel/Crystal Malt – 10L 1 lbs 3.92
Caramel/Crystal Malt – 80L 1 lbs 3.92
Chocolate Malt 4 oz 0.98
Special B Malt 4 oz 0.98


Name Amount Time Use Form Alpha %
Magnum 3 oz 60 min Boil 14
Amarillo Gold 1.5 oz 0 min Boil 8.5
Simcoe 1.5 oz 0 min Boil 13
Centennial 1.5 oz 0 min Boil 10


Name Lab Attenuation Temperature
California Ale V (WLP051) White Labs 73% 150.8°F - 158°F


162f strike water for 30 quarts to hit 149f. prep 10 gallons of water with 1.5 tsp chalk, .5 tsp gypsun, .5 tsp epson salt, 2/3 tsp calcium chloride.


Name: ameican barleyine
Description: 162f strike water for 30 quarts to hit 149f.    prep 10 gallons of water with 1.5 tsp chalk, .5 tsp gypsun, .5 tsp epson salt, 2/3 tsp calcium chloride.
Post Boil Volume: 6.00
Pre Boil Volume: 7.00
Mash Time: 90.00
Boil Time: 90.00
Desired Original Gravity: 1.1
Desired Final Gravity: 1.016
Calculated Likely ABV% Based on Specified Gravities: 10.990
Users Targeted ABV%: 10.000
Desired CO2 Volumes: 2
Anticipated Brewhouse Efficiency: 68
Likely Original Gravity at 6.00 Based on Grains and Efficiency: @ 68% = 620 GU = 1.103

Grain: Pale Malt (2 Row) US qty:23
Grain: Caramel/Crystal Malt – 10L qty:1
Grain: Caramel/Crystal Malt – 80L qty:1
Grain: Chocolate Malt qty:0.25
Grain: Special B Malt qty:0.25

Hop : Magnum qty:3 at:60 mins. AA=14.00
Hop : Amarillo Gold qty:1.5 at:0 mins. AA=8.50
Hop : Simcoe qty:1.5 at:0 mins. AA=13.00
Hop : Centennial qty:1.5 at:0 mins. AA=10.00

Yeast: California Ale V qty:4 Max temp: 70.0 Min temp: 66.0

Style Name: American Barleywine (Strong Ale)
ameican barleyine Pocket Brewer XML Code»

ameican barleyine BeerXML Code»

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-16″?>
<BREWER>Pocket Brewer</BREWER>
<Type>All Grain</Type>
<Name>ameican barleyine</Name>
<Style />
<Description>162f strike water for 30 quarts to hit 149f.    prep 10 gallons of water with 1.5 tsp chalk, .5 tsp gypsun, .5 tsp epson salt, 2/3 tsp calcium chloride.  </Description>
<Name>California Ale V</Name>
<NOTES>German Hallertauer hybrid, widely used in Germany</NOTES>
<NOTES>Unknown origin, but character similar to Cascade.</NOTES>
<Name>Amarillo Gold</Name>
<NOTES>High alpha bitterng hops with good aroma characteristics. Citrus aroma.</NOTES>
<NOTES>Use for: General purpose bittering, aroma in American ales and Wheats</NOTES>
<NOTES>Base malt for all beer styles</NOTES>
<Name>Pale Malt (2 Row) US</Name>
<Name>Caramel/Crystal Malt – 10L</Name>
<Name>Caramel/Crystal Malt – 80L</Name>
<Name>Chocolate Malt</Name>
<NOTES>Extreme caramel aroma and flavored malt.  Used in dark Belgian Abbey and Trappist ales.  Unique flavor and aroma.</NOTES>
<Name>Special B Malt</Name>
<Adjuncts />

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-16″?>
<NAME>ameican barleyine</NAME>
<TYPE>All Grain</TYPE>
<NOTES>162f strike water for 30 quarts to hit 149f.    prep 10 gallons of water with 1.5 tsp chalk, .5 tsp gypsun, .5 tsp epson salt, 2/3 tsp calcium chloride.  </NOTES>
<BREWER>Pocket Brewer</BREWER>
<NOTES>German Hallertauer hybrid, widely used in Germany</NOTES>
<NAME>Amarillo Gold</NAME>
<NOTES>Unknown origin, but character similar to Cascade.</NOTES>
<NOTES>High alpha bitterng hops with good aroma characteristics. Citrus aroma.</NOTES>
<NOTES>Use for: General purpose bittering, aroma in American ales and Wheats</NOTES>
<NAME>Pale Malt (2 Row) US</NAME>
<NOTES>Base malt for all beer styles</NOTES>
<NAME>Caramel/Crystal Malt – 10L</NAME>
<NAME>Caramel/Crystal Malt – 80L</NAME>
<NAME>Chocolate Malt</NAME>
<NAME>Special B Malt</NAME>
<NOTES>Extreme caramel aroma and flavored malt.  Used in dark Belgian Abbey and Trappist ales.  Unique flavor and aroma.</NOTES>
<NAME>California Ale V</NAME>
<NOTES>Similar to White Labs California Ale Yeast, but slightly lower attenuation leaves a fuller bodied beer.</NOTES>
<BEST_FOR>American style Pales, Ambers, Browns, IPAs, American Strong Ale</BEST_FOR>
<NAME>American Barleywine</NAME>
<NOTES>The American version of the Barleywine tends to have a greater emphasis on hop bitterness, flavor and aroma than the English Barleywine, and often features American hop varieties.  Differs from an Imperial IPA in that the hops are not extreme, the malt is more forward, and the body is richer and more characterful.</NOTES>

Bayou Beer

All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.
