Bayou Beer

All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.

Back to Brewing

May 22nd, 2017

I’ve been working on taking the BJCP Written Exam in my time normally used for brewing beer.   So I haven’t brewed in a while and will do that this weekend.   However I do think I did quite well on the BJCP written exam.  During my preparation for the exam I created a study guide and uploaded it all to this website so other people can use it if they want.   There was not much material out there to help me so I felt the need to construct my own.

BJCP Written Exam Study Guide

I’m really glad that’s over.  For about a month or so I felt like my hobby was a real job.   I think I should easily get better than the 76 I need so I feel very relieved.

Up next to brew?   Re-brew of my Fuller’s Golden Pride brew day using the suggestions from the Fuller’s brewers!   Excited about this one!

Bayou Beer

All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.
