So I sent my well water off to Ward Labs to find out exactly what’s in it for brewing sake. I’d been meaning to do so and had been relying on an inexact analysis we did with a home kit which was fairly close to what we got back. This is from an around 600 feet deep residential water well in Northern Ascension parish. It will certainly change how I address my water given I didn’t think my chloride levels were so high. Less calcium chloride moving forward. Given that sodium level I may have to stop using it for lighter beers like German Pilsner also.
- pH: 8.5
- Total Dissolved Solids(TDS): 334
- Electrical Conductivity, mmho/cm: 0.56
- Cations / Anions, me/L: 5.6 / 5.3
- Sodium, Na: 124ppm
- Potassium, K: 2ppm
- Calcium, Ca: 2ppm
- Magnesium, Mg: <1ppm
- Total Hardness, CaCO3: 9ppm
- Nitrate, NO3-N: 0.1ppm
- Sulfate SO4S: <1ppm
- Chloride, Cl: 72ppm
- Carbonate, CO3: 3.7ppm
- Bicarbonate, HCO3: 189ppm
- Total Alkalinmity, CaCO3: 161ppm